Welcome to the Course Text Lesson

Hi! I'm Rebecca Talley and I'm excited to have you join me here.

Writing a novel can be exhilarating, but it can also be daunting. You don’t want to spend months, or even years, working on your novel only to have it rejected because your first chapter didn’t showcase your talent.

Taking the extra time to include all the necessary elements may make the difference between an editor, agent, or reader devouring your manuscript or tossing it into the trash (figuratively or literally). You want a first chapter that grabs the reader from the very first sentence.

No Magic Formula

While there's no magic formula that guarantees acceptance by an agent or editor or that a reader will keep reading a book, a first chapter that includes the components in this course will have a better chance of being read. Editors and agents have certain expectations when they read a first chapter, especially if they pull it out of the slush pile. If your first chapter doesn’t meet their expectations, even if the rest of the book is flawless, editors and agents will reject it.  

Readers are becoming more and more selective as well and independent or "indie" authors must also make sure their first chapters hook readers, especially with the fierce competition in the explosive ebook market. 

(For the purposes of this course, editor, agent, and reader may be used interchangeably). 

Purpose of This Course

This course is designed to teach you what to include in the all-important first chapter. It is an interactive course.

Please take the opportunity to write answers to the assignments as you work through the course. I suggest a notebook or document dedicated to this course.

The more you put into the course, the more you'll get out of it. I've designed the assignments to enhance the material and to pull out your creativity. 

If you put in the effort throughout the course, you will have the building blocks to write a fantastic first chapter that will make readers want to read the rest of your book.

I encourage you to join the StoryHelp Facebook Group so you can ask questions and get to know others who want to improve their writing skills. You can request to join the FB Group by clicking here.

You only get one chance for that first impression, make it the very best you can.



Lesson Summary

Writing a compelling first chapter is crucial for grabbing the reader's attention and increasing the chances of acceptance by agents, editors, or readers. This course aims to teach writers what to include in a captivating first chapter and provides interactive assignments to enhance learning. There is no magic formula for success, but incorporating the necessary components discussed in this course can greatly improve the chances of a manuscript being read and considered. The course recognizes the changing preferences of readers and the fierce competition in the ebook market. By actively participating in the course and putting effort into the assignments, writers will have the tools to create a fantastic first chapter that leaves a lasting impression on readers. Joining the StoryHelp Facebook Group is encouraged for further support and networking opportunities. Remember, first impressions are crucial, so make the most of it!

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